








The first day of my final exam was started with the light and easy subject that I like the most, the Korean. Right after the test, I took my breakfast instantly (have been starving an hour ago).Hehe…Generally I have no appetite to take much food very early in the morning. However I would definitely not skip the breakfast with merely my empty stomach though.

The end of the Korean lecture (the final lecture throughout 4 years of life in the campus)

The next destination was my carrel room, spend most of my time there to have a nap, studying, surfing net and even eating but rarely to do so since it is strictly forbidden, shhh…!. I don’t mind to stay under an extraordinary low temperature where your limbs would probably be frozen rather than a stuffy room at the hostel especially in the afternoon. The moment I stepped into the room, a lecturer cum a supervisor of the demonstrators/tutors called me up for a sharing session with her supervisor from U.K. Since I’m one of the demonstrators out there, I have no any other choices but to attend for it (not so reluctantly la). In fact, it’s the golden opportunity to meet a professional from overseas, furthermore he is my supervisor’s supervisor = super supervisor (sounds peculiar! :-p).

A pretty arrangement in sequence of order!! Fond remembrance!
A shot with Scottish professor and DR.Isthri, my supervisor

The seminar took about an hour to come to an end. A meaningful sharing which was very pleasing to all of us! Yeah~ finally this is my desired session when we are being served with some refreshment, yummy! Feel so good! Hah, the second helping for my breakfast of the day! Look forward to have the session again. Right here waiting for it to come…^_^


Chinese Or Malaysian?

Few days ago after the Korean lecture, as usual I’d have my lunch at the nearby café where it will be loaded with foreign students now and then. There was a girl sitting right in front of me with a good, fair complexion and of course the lure of beauty attracted me to set my sights on her. By the way, she is a Muslim as she wore the “tudung” covered all around her head. The questions popped up in my mind “Is she Iran?”, “Is she Chinese or Malay?” and etc.

While I was thinking, I’ve caught her gazing at me for times…”Am I annoyed or frustrated her”, I asked myself repeatedly. By the time she was about to leave, this was the right time that I could have a closer look at her…keke. I plugged up my courage to have a glance for this belle clearly. Somehow she smiled to me and that’s how our conversation going on. She commenced by asking my nationality; anyway I would be able to guess at her answer. She addressed that my appearance seem rather more like a Chinese than as a Malaysian. Basically, she is not the only person to state so. In fact, she is a postgraduate from China taking the equivalent course as I do. Such a coincident man! Now only I realized there are quite a number of students from China in my campus as well.

The most possibility for the ‘Chinese-effect’ could be the types of complexion or just simply due to the significant shape of the face (standardized in China especially). For me I’d rather choose the latter one instead…:p It’s hardly to find the ‘standardized- Chinese-face’ among my friends and even relatives as I can dictate!! Except one of my cousin who is in U.S for the time being, we really look alike :)

Either to be a Chinese or a Malaysian is not a big deal; the nationality means to distinguish the people of geographical distribution throughout the world. The most vital part in my life is to being myself…live with no regret, try to get rid of sorrow and on top of that is to give life a moment of joyous!!


New born of myblog

This is the first blog of mine that I have ever written so far. Let me begin by telling you more of me… I’m talkative and extroverted (in terms of socializing) , however I love serenity whenever I need a place to refresh my mind after a pile of work or even having ups and downs once in a while, it’s human’s nature throughout the life, isn’t it?

It’s no longer for me to experience the student life which will end soon; in fact it’s less than 2 months counting from now onwards. I’m wondering what should I contemplate to be once I’ve graduated. It gonna be a new phase in my life. There are 2 options actually for me to choose, either to pursue my degree or to get into the midst of a long career…otherwise as one of my friends said there’s a 3rd probability which is to get marry loh…haha! Regarding to this, definitely I would say ‘no’ for the time being.. hehe. Time would prove itself when it’s at the right time as well as the right place. It’s all in how you look at it!

Despite one’s counsel could be as reference, the final decision is on my own, though. It’s hard to reach a consensus as points of difference exist. Hence, it’s time for me to learn how to give and take in order to compromise especially to those whom I am at most concern. However, that is another story.

Being a demo since last semester, I’ve found the contentment and derived great pleasure from it as well. Thus it has more or less induced me to change my mindset that teaching is just monotonous and lifeless. On the contrary, it could be interesting provided you have the passion and willing to put in your hard effort. So fundamentally, life could be anything we want. If you think you can, you CAN!! That’s how people used to impact others and so will I.

-To be continued-

A Trip To Hanguk

Suddenly think of sharing a memorable trip to Korea at the end of last year. It was the first time that i had ever been to journey into far regions. I went with my aunt and a cousin since my parents were occupying with their affairs. What a waste!! Sigh...Anyhow, my parents have promised to travel abroad with me once I’ve accomplished my studies. Would it come true? Hopefully (my dear) will keep their promise

All right! Here we go. Firstly it took about nearly 5 hours to reach the Incheon International Airport. It was 6:00am early in the morning. The temperature was about 2 degree Celsius, somehow contrary to my expectation. The eight-day-trip brought back sweet memories. The only drawback was a few kilos’ luggage which being transferred from time to time for different locations. Luckily, the pleasant cool at the moment made me quite comfortable; it didn’t seem to be a burden for me to carry two pieces of luggage all the way.

Not long ago, I caught up in the Korean ancient drama entitled “Dae Jang Guem”. The story line was about the concubines of an emperor who strive desperately for fame and wealth. I’ve never thought of visiting a place such as the scene of the play where our first destination was located, the king’s palace. As I fairly go in for photography, for sure the digi-cam would be following me wherever I go. Finally I realized that I’ve used up 4 memory sticks with the capacity of 4GB in the sum throughout the trip. Hah, probably u guys might think that there’s gonna be some thousand of pictures I’ve taken at that moment huh?!

Up to now, I still remember vividly one of the places we have been to. The second flight we took was approximately 45 minutes to reach the destination. It is an extraordinary island namely ‘JejuDo’ in Korean. The Jeju Island is very similar to the Hawaiian Islands in the United State. The courier once told us it is one of the top honeymoon destinations for Korean newlyweds. By the way, there were three Malaysian newly married couples during the trip, sounds great man!! I’m wondering…if there is an opportunity to travel there again, I wish I may go with my beloved instead haha…(the word “may” implies the uncertainty of me to get one and still I am)

Back to here again, I would like to say the Korean food is much more different as compared to a local flavor, cuisine and the like. At first, I was very longing for “KIMCHI” indeed. Among those Korean foods, it is top on my list of priorities. Though it tasted good and yet I gave up eventually. Can u imagine each meal will be served with “KIMCHI” as side dishes (in fact it’s the main course for the Korean). Don’t ever think that the chili sauce must be spicy all the time. As far as I know, the Koreans do not seem like the Malaysians to have a strong taste in their food.

In the meantime, I will never forget to mention the experience of skiing. At one point there was an expertise knocked me down without my notice. At that time, I was learning to skate over the ice….Oh no!! I was incredibly helpless at then. Hoping that the ‘gentleman’ (expertise) would gave me his hand, but he just sneaked away instead. I had a terrible pain after the incident. Despite the pain, my passion for skiing will never subside. Finally, I’ve mastered the skill of skiing and skated as much as 15 times continuously. Isn’t it fun? For me absolutely YES!! Hmm…Think of going there once again. My Wonderful Trip!! (HANGUK RE CHOAHEYO!!)



有人说人生就是一场演不完的戏, 对我而言, 感同身受。有悲必有喜, 有离必有合, 悲欢离合是人生的必经之路。有的时候还真傻得可爱或是可哀自个儿亦搞不清楚状况。在难过时刻频频提醒自己:耐一下很快就会过去,悲伤的离去意味着喜悦的到来。就这样地耐了过去。。。看来是自我安慰吧!


农历清明节将至,正是华人重大日子之一。顿时让我回想起“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂” 的心情写照。近几年来无法回乡扫墓,深感遗憾。再说今年是我爷爷往生之首次拜祭仪式,然而却因本人某某制定计划非得完成不可,无法参与此行,可谓身不由己!(爷爷啊,敬请原谅‘身在江湖’ 的我唷) !缅怀昔日拥有爷爷的疼爱,分享历史的回顾。如今仍深深烙在我心深处!永别了。。。




每当傍晚时分,必到邻家院子报到去。只因那儿有位和蔼可亲的老婆婆,咱们一同荡秋千,特别是谈起她那<<当年的我>>,简直让我陶醉其中!久而久之已成了一种习惯,它占据了我童年生活的一部份!就因此促使我与年老长辈们特别的投契,依然持续至今。好喜欢那种感觉噢,不知那位老婆婆是否尚在人间?(若是。。。那该称为“人瑞”了吧) 。

捉泥鳅,抛石子,捉迷藏,溜冰,跷跷板等一概是小时的玩意儿。此一时,彼一时现今儿童早已被PS,VCD,心算,补习班什么的。。取而代之。是福? 是祸? 见仁见智。说起儿时玩伴该嫁的嫁,娶的娶;我依然是我,唯一改变的是年龄的增长,显示岁月不留人的真谛。坦然接受生命的一切,对我而言持有赤子之心亦不见得是一件坏事 (“天公疼憨人”啊!!)


如今,让我深深地体会到:人总得学习着长大。被呵护固然是好,不能因此而杵在那儿做个温室里的一朵小花。在面对人生的抉择当中,难免会出现棘手的绊脚石。无论如何,勇于尝试,持着正念的人生观,不要轻言放弃,相信一切会因此迎刃而解(唯一的筹码是不为日后留下遗憾)。这何尝不是一个极好的考验? 任何人都无法左右你的人生,好与坏仅一念之差。作出明智之举!愿我如是。。阿弥陀佛!合十!