wasai!! snd lk so serious '大病初癒'?! well, well... hopefully, u really recvr soon....
x put ya happiness and enjoyable naked naked under the sun leh!!! kekeke.... God jealous eh... nice, gal!! travel oversea again..... meet ya korean prince??? enjoy ya vacation la!!
wander how short is ya hair right now??? hopefully, c ya soon when i'm back nxt wk. hehehe... tk gd care!!
to pigtail..sick for 1 week should be considered serious ler.I'm not so open-minded to have a sun bathing :s don't hv the 'body' to show langsung la...
to wai...im so far so good now,thx anyway.For sure not as short as u think la...jus over the shoulder length. u're soon to fly to Western country wut...envy u pun :p
4 条评论:
wasai!! snd lk so serious '大病初癒'?! well, well... hopefully, u really recvr soon....
x put ya happiness and enjoyable naked naked under the sun leh!!! kekeke.... God jealous eh... nice, gal!! travel oversea again..... meet ya korean prince??? enjoy ya vacation la!!
wander how short is ya hair right now??? hopefully, c ya soon when i'm back nxt wk. hehehe... tk gd care!!
miss ya ~~~
Hope u r fine...
I think it will not shorter than the hair of God gua?? haha... Why not post the recent picture here for us to review hehe.. :p
Enjoy your holiday n vacation ya! Poor us need to work... :(
to pigtail..sick for 1 week should be considered serious ler.I'm not so open-minded to have a sun bathing :s
don't hv the 'body' to show langsung la...
to wai...im so far so good now,thx anyway.For sure not as short as u think la...jus over the shoulder length.
u're soon to fly to Western country wut...envy u pun :p
got leh!! got leh!! ahpheng said eunice has a nice body figure!!!