Of late, I’ve came across some of the bad examples of Malaysian tourists when going abroad. I’d like to share the points of the writer about the annoying habits as follow:
• They talk loudly at tourist spots and hotels regardless of others around.
• They expect everyone to move away when they want to take photos.
• Malaysians are the only people who use umbrellas in the sun/rain. He (the writer) was poked three times. The umbrellas also block views.
• In the plane, they are not careful when taking things from the overhead compartment. One woman, while taking her bag, broke her plastic bottle and spilled water on his head.
• The toilets in the plane and elsewhere are always in shambles after they’ve use them.
• When it’s stated “don’t walk on the grass” or “don’t overtake the queue”, they still do.
• Where it clearly states “video/photography is prohibited”, they still use their cameras.
• Where it is clearly announced not to sit on ancient ruins nor touch them, the Malaysian tourists still do, little realizing the harm they do to old and fragile artifacts.
• They way Malaysians behave in dining halls is the worst he’s seen. They pile food on their plates which goes to waste as they can’t finish it. They stuff extra food and drinks in their huge bags. They have a nasty habit of spitting food bits on the dinner table rather than removing them gently from their mouths with a spoon.
From the above statement, no doubt we could see them happen all over the places in Malaysia. Hence, do bear in mind, if to go overseas in the days to come, not to recommit the same error as dictated earlier. Try to behave ourselves for the good impression sake.
3 条评论:
Preparing for your overseas trip huh?? haha... Ya I did come across this type of review before in newspaper.. Hopefully our tourists wouldn't 'lose our face' again...
Not yet so fast la...Stil hv 1 month to go wor :>
Wait till i come back then will upload the photos in my blog's album! :p
x only malaysian la!! the rest from others countries have these kind of behaviour as well... well, still have to depends on their culture and education. more important, start from ourselve....